published Nov 13, 2008, last modified Dec 30, 2022

A shill for truth. Defiant heresy on cultural matters. Free software, voluntaryism and cypherpunk. Established 1999.

To lose your head is to lose your spine. But, my friend, after you've been wronged, you'll rebuild... and you'll be taller. Listen, feel, think. You'll rise above them. You won't lie. You won't lie to others, You won't lie to yourself. You won't be a hopeless wonderer — you'll be a hopeful wonder.

Watch this marvelous clip by Noel Plum, where he deconstructs the hypocritical and manipulative way in which social justice warriors have corrupted the conversation on race and sex, for their own dishonest and farcical purposes.

Today, we desecrate a myth — the Pilgrims didn't starve because they "didn't know how to farm or hunt". Watch this fascinating history video to learn the real reason why so many of the Pilgrims died the year they arrived, and how they conquered such peril over their next year. Happy Thanksgiving, America!

Because absence of truth is misery. Watch psychologist and genocide history expert Jordan Peterson explain it in a few words.

Being offended doesn't work anymore. Throwing insults doesn't work anymore. The thought policing, speech policing, discourse banning, blasphemy laws, they don't work. They never did. Some of us knew. We told you so.

The election is over, and people are terrified. I teach you how to manage that terror.

Professor Jordan Peterson gives us an in-depth review of the game plan that social justice warriors use to weasel themselves into a group and put themselves in a permanent state of unearned moral superiority.

Professor Jordan B Peterson's lecture shows us that there are in fact differences in preferences between the genders, that those preference differences are not in fact "socially constructed" as the cultural Marxists like to say, and that they have been proven to exist even in Rhesus monkeys. Top-notch no-bullshit anthropological and social science that completely demolishes many of the lies told by social justice warriors.