A shill for truth. Defiant heresy on cultural matters. Free software, voluntaryism and cypherpunk. Established 1999.
Lifestyle inflation can get you to bankruptcy. Think about your future self.
Pharmabro taught finance better than most finance teachers did. Learn from him.
Watch Dr. James Lindsay validate everything this blog has been saying about the origins of "social justice".
Microsoft's Postmaster services have blocked my e-mail domain.
How Soviet Communism waged decades of psychological warfare on the United States.
A fun Socratic game to play — to see how much your friends really do know about the climate. (Answers provided within.)
"Why does he have that, but I don't? He's just like me! Who does he think he is?"
A very clear-headed description of what information security actually is, and how systems like Genode or Qubes OS contributes to making it better.
So which people are these newly-minted kulaks? Anyone Facebook says so.
And they plan to do so in the most deceptive of ways.
A practical guide to Epstein's malevolence... with a series of interesting implications.
Check out how it looks like when the modern world seeks to preserve a narrative at all costs.
On the widespread tendency of scientists to believe falsehoods if done for "morally righteous" reasons.
Is your profession about to be invaded by diversity and inclusion fanatics?
Evergreen State College provides us with the perfect template.