published Nov 13, 2008, last modified Dec 30, 2022

A shill for truth. Defiant heresy on cultural matters. Free software, voluntaryism and cypherpunk. Established 1999.

Feminism and emancipation were never about equality — they were about justice and freedom. Equality (of outcome, of opportunity, et cetera) is a wildcard that supplants impartiality and freedom of opportunity. Don't let people fool you into thinking equality is a moral virtue!

Copyright and privacy cannot coexist. Society is at a crossroads where only one of these will exist in the future, and the copyright industry has been working hard to erode privacy to protect its obsolete business. It’s time to acknowledge the conflict and accept that copyright enforcement need to be actively prevented in order to safeguard fundamental rights.

Tom Woods and Jonathan Haidt sit down and discuss and how universities are systematically teaching people to evaluate arguments with the Marxist framework of skin color rather than merit, and how to change that toxic social justice indoctrination trend.

Lew Rockwell takes us through the many ways in which the left — and its modern expression, cultural Marxism — is totalitarian and inhuman.

Let's discover how social justice helps Islam spread, by destroying the immune response of Western societies to absurd and dangerous ideas.

Here's a comparison of the actual human lives lost, showing massacres where no one armed and the victims waited for police, contrasted against failed would-be massacres where someone armed was around. The data doesn't lie — self-defense saves lives; it could save yours.

Stephan Kinsella walks us through the clearest, most concise and conceptually consistent conception of property from the libertarian tradition, debunks the mythology surrounding John Locke's "mix it with ya labor" theory of property, and once again reduces intellectual poverty to nothing.

Despite the intense desire of a few cultural Marxists to deny everyone else the use of the term — up to and including the deletion of the term from Wikipedia — cultural Marxism has had a decades-long history. weighs in.