Fill yourself with positive energy
A quick life improvement recipe — with a few tips of mine. What are yours?

One of my many "manospheric" books — self-improvement books that people scorned by the uglier sex can't help but hate — asks this question:
How could I completely clear myself internally, and fill that space with positive energy?
A few days ago, I sat down and I wrote down these answers for myself:
- Busy myself with productive and positive activities.
- Lead a healthy, principled life.
- Seek the company of other healthy, principled people.
- When I am preoccupied about something, do something to get closer to fixing that preoccupation, instead of staying preoccupied.
- Say, for example, if I'm worried about getting a job, then do something that gets me closer to getting a job. If there is nothing to be done, go back to step 1 of this list.
- Motivate myself using positive imagery and energy.
- Focus on activities that give me energy, rather than sapping it from me.
- Avoid situations, conversations, and other inputs to my brain that would sap energy or cause me to busy myself with negative or toxic thoughts. "I don't want this on my brain", then close the page / exit the room / leave the place.
Now sit down with a piece of paper, write down What are my answers? on it, and then start writing your own answers to this question.
"I don't want this on my brain"? What's that about?
One of the bits of knowledge I have incorporated to my life is this article by Scott Adams, which I highly recommend.
I've achieved a point in my life where I've become extremely conscious of how inputs that the world throws at my body affect the way my brain thinks and processes information, but not just that. Those inputs also affect my intuitive decision of what my brain focuses on. I'm also aware of how the things that my brain is focusing on, inform how my body develops.
So, following Scott's advice, I've been increasingly using the mantra "I don't want that on my brain" when I see or experience something that would lead me to think things that my former self would be addicted to, but my current self knows they would sap my energy and distract me from improvement. I simply say "I don't want that on my brain" and then I'll close the browser tab, or close the book, or walk out of the place I'm in. Anything else to make the useless energy-sapping sensory input stop.
It makes a big difference. I really recommend reading the linked article, and then applying this principle to your daily life.