A shill for truth. Defiant heresy on cultural matters. Free software, voluntaryism and cypherpunk. Established 1999.
Here is a protip for Plone theme customizers.
Imagine if the State threatened your bank instead of you, so they freeze your bank account — if you didn’t wear the “proper” clothing.
Turns out it's not that simple — but there's always a way.
Recent releases of either Qubes OS or Fedora have changed something that makes LibreOffice run dog-slow. Here's how to restore its former speed.
Have you ever wondered "did I shut off the gas on my grill" when you left home? Now you can find out, wherever you are!
A reasonably-argued video that goes through many central claims made by climate alarmists.
While Home Assistant does not currently support range objects, you can definitely do this using built-in functionality.
Do one thing when a condition becomes true. Do another thing when all conditions become false.
Every time a carbonhysteric tells you that we're all gonna die because our CO₂ production is going to make Earth into Venus, show him this graphic.
Today you'll learn how to have Home Assistant assist you during steak cooking, oven use, pot roast preparation, and anything that requires you getting the temperature just right.
Free software users and privacy advocates have questions. This post has been at least partially confirmed, and will be continue updated as time goes by.
The second war on cryptography is not going to be like the first one. This time, it's not just private communications at stake — pardon the pun — but rather the foundation of sound economies itself.
A theory of stupidity and its effects by Dietrich Bonhöffer.
How to control your home or office lights based on doors, presence and motion.
You advocated for us to be locked up, alone, unemployed, and miserable. And now you tell us "let's forget about all that?" without even bothering to ask for an apology? No. We will never, ever forget that.
A talk by Stephan Kinsella that clarifies fundamental concepts of ownership and property. Presented at the Property and Freedom Society 2022.
You may have escaped being part of the mass formation psychosis, but you should be very careful to ever trust again those who fell for it. They wanted separated from the world, or dead — and it didn't take much for them to be convinced of it.
Despite their mightiest efforts, the pricks at the FATF and their sycophants in national organizations have not yet been able to completely stamp out the trade of Bitcoin under free, voluntary, private and consensual terms.
When you hear it said that climate cultists are thinly-veiled Communists, pay close attention. Often, "climate" is merely a dog whistle — a pretext to implement the socialist policies, presented as "solutions" to "the climate crisis", that the cultists so ardently desire.
Media and intelligentsia have for decades written about child abuse in churches. But the child abusers they don't write about says a lot about them.
In the onslaught against common sense, decency and truth, Merriam-Webster was not alone. Shill #1 of the now-known-harmful injections from Big Pharma was the Center for Disease Control, running cover for Big Pharma from all angles — including the very definitions of terms.
Watch Matt Walsh outline the well-known formula, used by a video show host, to reprogram his audience into rejecting obvious truths, and hating those who speak them.