Making LibreOffice run at an acceptable speed under Qubes OS
Recent releases of either Qubes OS or Fedora have changed something that makes LibreOffice run dog-slow. Here's how to restore its former speed.

The following changes will make LibreOffice run normally again under Qubes OS.
First, put the following text in file /etc/profile.d/
within your template qube:
Then install the package libreoffice-kf5 in your template qube:
sudo dnf install -y libreoffice-kf5
Now stop your template qube and your application qube.
Start your application qube and open up LibreOffice. It should run almost as fast as it used to.
To confirm that the fix took, under a terminal in your application qube, run command env | grep SAL_USE
to check that the value of the variable is there.