A shill for truth. Defiant heresy on cultural matters. Free software, voluntaryism and cypherpunk. Established 1999.
In a parliamentary hearing, a Pfizer employee named Janine Small admits they never tested that their injections prevent COVID transmission — as we now know.
All the PFS talks and panel discussions are now online.
A glimpse into how the United Nations and Google collude — to privilege their catastrophist dogma, above all other information regarding climate change.
The fascist sees not in the mirror, for fear of seeing the fascist he fears.
Central bank digital currencies solve no problem you have — they only solve the problem you represent to them.
If you can't tell me a simple truth like that, I have no reason to trust you on anything else.
Arguing that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say. — Ed Snowden
A summary from a phenomenal talk given by William Happer, which decidedly ends the carbonhysteric myth that carbon dioxide levels matter.
The saga of Josh Moon — Kiwi Farms operator — clearly shows how.
The "prebunking" campaign by Big Tech — conceived by WEF pricks — has begun. Their goal is to get you to reject everything not approved by corporate propagandists. Will you let them corrupt your critical thinking?
Seeing with your own eyes is always better than believing the perverse lies from misanthropes.
We have consistently shown how climate cultists undermine and attack car ownership and use. Now that the established agenda is theirs, they can safely spell their endgame openly, and it was what we deduced long ago — no car for you... and if the goal requires the economy to be manipulated so that you become too poor to have a car, then screw you. Never forget how much they hate you.
Who would have guessed that distorting reality for your panic cult by exercising your government power... results in a distorted reality? Leave it to the Panic Secretary to blame reality on his victims.
When a predator convinces you to falsely identify him as your friend, and identify more of his victims as your enemies, you are vulnerable to his predation.
Once the crisis caused by government locking down was well underway, they seized on this opportunity to enact the largest wealth transfer from poor to rich in all history of Mankind.
Time savings from automation aren't the only motive to automate. In other words: Randall Munroe might not be totally correct after all.
EU will propose a mandatory target for reducing electricity use at peak hours in order to "flatten the curve". Switzerland threatens prison for those who want to stay warmer than 19 °C.
In an urban environment, you may not always have a choice of placement for your A/C unit. But human ingenuity can be very fun — and Home Assistant certainly helps with that ingenuity.
Well well well... it looks like the "conspiratards" were right all along. Remember: if the CDC / NIH had accepted ivermectin as treatment back in 2020, the staggering grift that were the "vaccines" would have never been legally received emergency authorization.
A fairly good explanation of your current sociopolitical reality.
Slowly but surely, the skeptics were proven right. Apologies from the Covitards when?
Did you know you were made to go through a test about whether you'd kill others? Find out if you passed.
It is no sin to be uninformed. But to receive information, and then to reject it... that is ignorance. If that ignorance is deadly, too bad.
A look back at the many, many times authoritarian coronazis jerked their hysterical claims around to prop their narrative up.
All of us who were silenced on COVID facts knew that COVID fatality rate was minuscule and killed really only the elderly and frail.
A step-by-step guide to configuring Hue wall switch modes with only free software. Bonus: how to enable the second switch.
An organization turned absolutely worthless by mission creep and bureaucracy, which might well kill more people than it saves.
Hint: it is neither children, not their parents. Are you aware of what your child is being programmed to believe?