Today's politics explained with Monopoly
A fairly good explanation of your current sociopolitical reality.

Credit goes to Spike Cohen for the allegory.
Imagine a game of Monopoly, where 3 players play by the rules, but Player 4 gets $1 million from the banker on every turn.
Player 4 would rapidly own the board, and everything would cost way more than the other players could afford.
That's central banking and corporate welfare.
Now imagine the other players have to live in constant debt to the banker because they can't afford anything, and have to work for Player 4 because he owns everything.
That's corporatism.
Now imagine Player 4 offers to "help" the other players by using some of the $1 million to pay off some of their debts.
Prices keep rising, Player 4 still owns everything, and yet the other players think they're benefiting from that $1 million.
That's "social welfare" and "relief spending".
Now imagine the other players openly recognize how unfair this arrangement is, but demand a larger portion of the $1 million, instead of demanding that Player 4 no longer get free money and have to play by the same rules they have to.
That describes most people's attitude towards this problem today.
Now imagine that there are millions of players, a handful of whom have access to the banker, and they construct a government, with two corporate-sponsored political parties to choose from, to make the whole thing look legitimate.
You don't have to imagine that. You live it.
Now imagine an alternative:
- The ruling class can't rob us to enrich themselves.
- Each one of us may choose from multiple banking systems, instead of being coercively tied to one.
- Prices go down to what we can afford, rather than being inflated forever.
- We aren't in constant debt and reliant on "assistance".
That's a free market.