Archives: front page
Whites are now being openly compared to blood sucking parasites.
Let's check out the case of Florida’s alleged record ocean temperatures, as reported with furor this week.
Steve Goreham gives us a common sense discussion about climate change, energy and public policy.
The degeneracy you see promoted today is merely a program of destabilization.
The beginning of modern child sexual mutilation is a cautionary tale the world has ignored.
Take this template, substitute "noble" with any woke-privileged category, and "commoner" with its antipode (cis , white, male), and you get the internal logic of woke.
If the apocalyptic prediction of your cult does not come true, don't worry — all you have to do is reverse the prediction.
"If it is proven that this network overload could occur, then the distribution network operator has the right to dim". The German State will closely control how much energy you are "allowed to have", peasant.
The implications of a society where use of cash is punished are, in fact, evil.
Switzerland begins to ban effective fuels for home heating purposes. Perhaps Switzerland was not that exceptional, and in the end will follow the frantic speedrun of the West towards totalitarian centralism.
They are clearly Latino men. The systematic misclassification of violent criminals can only be interpreted as a malicious attempt to vilify an entire group by blaming them for the abominable actions of another.
Also the slippery slope is a fallacy, it's not happening, and we're so gladly it is!
The simple fact is that men generally do not get paid for being pretty.
More accurately described as the piñata theory of surrender to violent monsters.
The reason slavery is over, women have equal rights, and we wash our hands, is our ancestors enjoyed freedom of expression. Only a suicidal society silences today's dissenters — because today's dissenters are tomorrow's pioneers.
And how rotten are the lies and deceit they're telling?
Putting an end to the monstrous lie that mutilative surgeries "cure" transsexual suicidality.