How to seed a climate crisis hoax
Let's check out the case of Florida’s alleged record ocean temperatures, as reported with furor this week.

The formula is simple: take an extreme temperature limited to a period of a few days from only one extremely tiny location, then encourage click-bait media to push the narrative that it represents the climate crisis caused by CO2 and threatening the whole Earth.
A buoy in Manatee Bay managed by the Everglades National Park, is located north of Key Largo and indicated by the 2 red arrows. The official buoy data (upper left graph) shows water temperatures bounced between ~90°F and ~101 on consecutive two days then plummeted to 85-86°F over the following days!
Clearly those water temperatures were being driven by dynamics other than rising CO2.
Nonetheless the PBS News Hour pushed a hoax from notorious alarmist journalist Seth Borenstein, with the title South Florida water temperature hits triple digits, may have set world record for warmest seawater. And New York Times pushes 101°F in the Ocean Off Florida: Was It a World Record? Another scientist, despite attempting to sound an alarm, was unintentionally quite perceptive saying, “If you climbed in the water there, I’m pretty darn sure it would have felt like you’re in a hot tub.”
Indeed, the science of solar ponds has shown when freshwater overlays saltier water, heat gets trapped, and temperatures can rise by as much as 60°F degrees higher than the surface at depths between 5 and 10 feet.
Also notice the Manatee Bay buoy measuring water temperatures at a 5-foot depth is located in a small embayment surrounded by landform that prevents mixing with cooler water and forms a natural hot tub, as seen in the enlarged illustration on the left.
To maintain the crisis hoax, it’s also important to ignore conflicting data. Southern Florida has several buoys, some measuring water temperature, some air temperature, and some both. Just 56 miles to the southwest of Manatee Bay, the VAKF1 buoy measured water temperatures that were 10°F lower than Manatee Bay on those same days (lower left graph), and then cooled to 86°F. Manatee Bay’s buoy lacked air temperature data but VAKF1 reported a high air temperature of 91°F (lower right graph), which then cooled to the low 80s, even dipping to 76°F.
Those air temperatures don’t even approach being unprecedented. The hottest temperature ever recorded in the state of Florida was 109 degrees on June 29, 1931, in Monticello located over 400 miles north of Everglades National Park. According to Wikipedia Everglades National Park’s average maximum air temperatures for July is 92.5°F And the record high for July was 102°F. Nevertheless, Washington Post pushed “Extremely warm waters linked to record-setting heat over South Florida ... The extreme ocean heat comes amid Florida's hottest July on record.” trying to keep the climate crisis hoax alive.
This post is an archive from the following Twitter thread.