A shill for truth. Defiant heresy on cultural matters. Free software, voluntaryism and cypherpunk. Established 1999.
"Sorry, we've had a distractshun, can you repeat your quesshun?", asked Skeletor.
Organized violence in the name of good is the pillar on which all societies are built. A blanket rejection of violence is tantamount to societal collapse.
Just two simple examples of how systematically you're being deceived.
In some places, after you allow yourself to be jabbed, they literally give you a blue pill.
Whether Communist dictatorships of the 20th century, or Globalist control of the 21st century, the methods remain the same.
Only after the purge of the conscientious can the unspeakable acts begin.
A.k.a the practical difference between a series of private coin transactions and a series of Lightning ones.
Raspberry Pis are notoriously unreliable compared to regular PCs.
Why its demise might refute the negative connotation of "a cashless society".
The likely scenario is the undoing of 1971, as the next years come up. This article does not contain ideas that are novel — at least for HODLers — but it does explain what a Bitcoin-indexed future looks like.
Think critically. You have no one but yourself to hold responsible for what you accept.
If you have been jabbed, get yourself an immune function blood panel.
Everybody knows that what you think informs what you do. Few understand that what you do informs how you think too.
Wise words from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
Show this to whomever tells you that you're "endangering others" because you refuse to take coerced medical therapies.
A fair question you should ask yourself: do they really want you healthy? Or do they want you helpless?
If you thought that the "green economy" promoted by climate catastrophists meant you'd get to live a better, more prosperous life, think again. The truth is the exact opposite — your upcoming impoverishment is fully intended and by design.
You must travel to the past to discover how things will really work in the future. Don't let the sophistication of computers fool you — the point is to subjugate you.
From increased mutation, to decreasing effectiveness, to the majority of cases now clearly presenting with "full vaccination status", now we have irrefutable evidence.
A cribsheet to understand the lies that you have been told so far.
Yes, they are investigating why the Pfizer vaccines appear to cause myocarditis. Yes, their effectiveness wanes dramatically after a short while. Yes, natural immunity is of course better.
The same thing looks extremely different when seen from different historic vantage points.