published Nov 13, 2008, last modified Dec 30, 2022

A shill for truth. Defiant heresy on cultural matters. Free software, voluntaryism and cypherpunk. Established 1999.

With deep apologies to my European friends... this is far too funny not to post.

...when the well-off 21st century Maoist yells at a senior Soviet Union exilee about how he should be thrown in a forced labor camp.

John A De Goes' response to the scandal manufactured by the SJW faction to suppress Curtis Yarvin (Mencius Moldbug) from LambdaConf — and why his response is a win for actual heterogeneity and richness of thoughts, beliefs and ideas. Bravo!

If you hear a faint, or a loud, hum coming from the speakers connected to your Marantz preprocessor, here is the fix.

Sometimes you need to diagnose a particular problem with your stereo's setup, or your headphones, or the speakers of your laptop. Maybe one of the sides sounds louder than the other, maybe you think you have a blown tweeter, maybe it's the audio signal currently playing? Here's a trick to test that without reconnecting any cables or adding any hardware to your setup.

That thing which happens in every debate with a statist, and which every libertarian knows full well, is actually well-studied. It even has a name.

Wendy McElroy aptly summarizes the truth about the manipulative tactic known as Kafkatrapping, a term coined by Eric Raymond to describe that pattern of manipulation.

The differences -- racial, socioeconomic, gender -- get branded in people's brains way before they can even remember them. This is how.

$110 just so you can leave. That's ten to two hours of work for normal folks. A stern reminder of how you're not "free to leave".

The years and years of Hitler's propaganda machine, brainwashing every person into complete and unquestioning obedience, started with his very first address to the German people -- telling them in numerous ways that they were powerless if they didn't support the State, and that the State was their salvation. And indeed they became worthless not long after this speech, when they believed Hitler's deceit and then begun obeying the most atrocious orders ever obeyed.

He openly said so in 1927. Note what he says sounds exactly like the sort of things that modern socialist politicians and agitators say as well. If he was ever honest in his life, it must have been when he decided to label his movement National Socialism.

They murder and brutalize people and other living creatures, and they lie compulsively whenever anyone wants to hold them responsible for their brutality. Let's look at examples of these gangsters' perversity here.