Archives: front page logo (white).svg Archives: front page published Nov 14, 2008 , last modified Dec 30, 2022 The earthquake was a godsend HIV denialists are crazy morons You gotta love Slashdot humor Criminal ignorance does kill people The evil leading the stoopid Will AdSense for Mobile change the advertising industry? Really, Americans have an imbecile for a president! Rape of women in Iraq: a few thoughts Sennheiser CX 300 Dating pools So, my visit to ------------ Why no one has figured out how to please women yet When common sense becomes illegal The definition of propaganda XHTML validator validated by the W3C That's why news porn is so successful On motherhood and animals Bose suspensions. Knight Rider is closer than ever. The Battle of Athens Why and how Religious Republicans lie, cheat and steal more How do religious people really think? Things I wish I'd known too Gullible: how religiosity 'sticks' to people Think you're immune to advertising? Think again. Fox got 0wned Bush officially brings too many memories of mein Führer back Interesting long-dicked crop circle... and a donut! Superpowers made real iPhone vs. Nokia E70 Learn Python in 10 minutes < Previous 30 items 1 ... 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ... 35 Next 30 items >