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published Nov 14, 2008, last modified Dec 30, 2022

The future of fiat money is clear, because it is the present already: you piss off someone powerful, they leave you broke at the push of a button. Bitcoin is the only money safe from this theft.

The international system of units and measures didn't have a unit for value. That's finally been fixed.

Listen to this former trans person discuss the irreversible reality he has to bear now. Listen to the voice of experience — detransitioning is much more painful than not transitioning at all.

Take note: the area devoted to labeling the skin color of "the owner", is more than four times larger than the price of the product. Except, of course, if "the owner" is white — I guess those debbils should be lucky that the store still carries their products at all.

From a certain –ahem– angle, it's not hard to understand why Justin Trudeau tends to act authoritarian... you could say, perhaps, like a Communist.

An easy way to spot the lunatic who has faith in the Climate Apocalypsis: contrast what he does with what he preaches.

Climate zealots advance their "crisis" agenda substantially through lies — some brazen, some sophisticated. It should shock you how often these zealots — without any remorse or subsequent correction — tell you wicked lies about important issues, to get you to be unjustifiably frightened. Their obsession makes them into compulsive liars; you should distrust them.

Many are the words used to manipulate people away from the truth. When you reject aggression, and someone calls you extremist, that is an actual extremist projecting, because he supports an extreme action —aggression— whereas you do not.

"[UK Government Transport Minister] said it was necessary to ditch the '20th-century thinking centred around private vehicle ownership and towards greater flexibility, with personal choice and low carbon shared transport.' That’s right, she said the quiet part loud and showed the hand of a growing number of government officials."

Learn about the demise of the Roman empire... and the lessons that its history brings to us in present reality.

Michael Saylor explains: "all other forms of property can be impaired, confiscated, inflated away [...] if I hold a gun to your head 'gimme your Bitcoin', you can say no — I can still shoot you, but I don't get the property. This is the only asset in the history of Mankind that you can take with you to the grave."