published Nov 13, 2008, last modified Dec 30, 2022

A shill for truth. Defiant heresy on cultural matters. Free software, voluntaryism and cypherpunk. Established 1999.

Why do people continue to believe stupid and false things even after you've demonstrated to them that their beliefs are stupid?

"To Chen’s surprise, Felix and the others responded rationally. When the price of a given food rose, the monkeys bought less of it, and when the price fell, they bought more. The most basic law of economics — that the demand curve slopes downward — held for monkeys as well as humans."

An excellent introduction to philosophy, from Freedomain Radio.

Let the truth be known to everyone, that Mother Teresa was not compassionate, not noble, and not worthy of any veneration.

A tip of the trade from a fellow LTSP administrator: how to set up the default language and desktop session on LTSP terminals booting off a Fedora 11 terminal server.

It's not about the money. It's not about the fame. It's not about the talent. It's not about the intelligence.