published Nov 13, 2008, last modified Dec 30, 2022

A shill for truth. Defiant heresy on cultural matters. Free software, voluntaryism and cypherpunk. Established 1999.

A hundred years ago, Marxism gave birth to what is now known as critical theory -- the seed that would yield political correctness. This short documentary goes over the central figures of the (Marxist) Frankfurt School who were responsible for creating said Marxist cultural thought formula. Note that the documentary is culturally out of date so some elements will naturally be flawed — the historical aspect, however, is solid.

This fact is important because they are leading a war against 3-D printing, and it's a war based on lies. The U.S. government has used legal coercion to prevent you from learning that, contrary to the lies they have told before to scare you, 3-D printed guns cannot in fact be smuggled into random places. They use your fear and your ignorance to keep you afraid from learning this truth. Never fear, though: one X-ray — that by court order others weren't allowed to show you before — is worth ten million lies.

These fellows did some remarkable things that nobody else has accomplished, from conquering Afghanistan to (successfully) attacking Russia.

A copy of the long-since memory-holed article on Wikipedia detailing the concept of cultural Marxism — a colloquialism used to describe the critical theory work of the Frankfurt school.

Many people know how Megaupload got attacked, and how their promo video (full of Top 40 stars), despite being released free to be republished and remixed, was targeted by hundreds of fraudulent takedown requests. But it prevails, and it's here for you. Enjoy!

How the system of copyright we must endure is Kafkasque in nature, how it damages artists, how it censors creators, and how it enriches a few already-rich men, all at the expense of the public. A TEDx presentation by Nina Paley.

An examination about what "The People" really means, in plain English of people doing things, and the perversities it gets twisted into.

Marxism 2: Electric Boogaloo! A short exposé of the three toxic pillars of neoprogressivism – political correctness, identity politics, and postmodernism – analyzed and buried.

The irrational illiberal illogic of liars who say they want free speech, but only for their coidearies, exposed concisely in a very short video.

A mini-documentary that examines the rise and radicalization of collectivist authoritarianism which threatens the fundamental moral, social and legal values underpinning our modern societies.

Separation kernels, hardware-isolated virtualization and enforced capability models have finally converged into an OS that could change the way that operating system security, and software security itself, works. Oh, it can also run Linux and Windows applications. Here are a few talks about that convergence in the form of Genode OS.