published Nov 13, 2008, last modified Dec 30, 2022

A shill for truth. Defiant heresy on cultural matters. Free software, voluntaryism and cypherpunk. Established 1999.

Imagine going on public television and not knowing that the Bitcoin supply is mathematically fixed.

The talk from Tom Woods that YouTube suppressed. Is the crazed panic surrounding COVID-19 warranted? Find out here!

If there is one takeaway from what you're about to see, is that merely one person needs to speak up and say "no", for the crowd gaslighting to stop being effective.

A salute to everyone who has helped us fall into the tyranny of the Great Reset.

No person is equal to any other person. Attempts to bring about equality are doomed to cause conflict, poverty, misery, strife, and (as the 20th century witnessed) mass murder.

Even after trying to stamp out inequality with the worst democide ever, descendants of successful people achieve success once again. Maybe it's time we stopped insisting on evil fairy tales that require human extermination.

One of the elements of Communist revolution is now omnipresent in America. What element will appear next?

The Weimarization of truth and knowledge at the hands of critical social justice. A mirror of current news articles and threads.