While Home Assistant does not currently support range objects, you can definitely do this using built-in functionality.
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Linux and free software
Have you ever wondered "did I shut off the gas on my grill" when you left home? Now you can find out, wherever you are!
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Linux and free software
A cheap "are you in bed" sensor, built from a door and window sensor and a bunch of resistors? You bet!
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Linux and free software
If your Home Assistant system uses ZHA (ZigBee Home Automation), and you obtained a firmware file for a device, this is how you push it to your device.
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Linux and free software
Use your Hue Tap dial as a home automation controller with four modes and double- / triple-click support, courtesy of Home Assistant and Node-RED.
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Linux and free software
A step-by-step guide to configuring Hue wall switch modes with only free software. Bonus: how to enable the second switch.
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Linux and free software
A fine tutorial you can follow to build your own smart 3D printed enclosure. Electronics, ESPHome, Home Assistant and Creative Commons.
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Linux and free software