Plone is pretty secure by default. Unfortunately, as an administrator, having to log in each time you restart your browser is extremely annoying. Here's how ...
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Linux and free software
Running PulseAudio as a system-wide service has advantages -- you can play audio without having logged on, multiple users can play audio on the same audio ...
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Linux and free software
The latest iterations of popular Linux distros Fedora and Ubuntu include PulseAudio. Make sure you learn about it!
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Linux and free software
Here is a summary of what knowledgeable people do in order to browse the Web while minimizing data leakage and cross-site correlation / tracking.
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Linux and free software
...yeah, you don't own your cat. It's the other way around.
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There are many quirks and oddities about serving audio properly. Here's how to tackle them from Plone through Varnish.
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Linux and free software
The old methods to activate Linux app windows no longer work well, but new methods have been invented already.
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Linux and free software
Web servers (especially Plone, by default) work wonders in combination with an HTTP accelerator such as Varnish or Squid. But your iPhone readers are out of ...
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Linux and free software