The much-lauded government program to establish the "vaccines" (mRNA inoculations) has led America down a dark path. It is the strongest form of proof that ...
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COVID-19 heresy
And now they're telling you the truth? Consider the following: they might just be lying to you again.
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COVID-19 heresy
Because he has lost the argument against the Canadian Freedom Convoy — which he cowardly fled to avoid facing — he turns to calumny and lies against them. ...
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Read this revolting writeup by an associate professor of "medical ethics", arguing unironically that you should be drugged against your will to make you more ...
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COVID-19 heresy
As you well should know, the science is settled, and science is never about questioning the authorities that tell you what the consensus is, and what you ...
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Give us a number. We should at least know how many miscarriages and neonatal deaths are worth that hypothetical grandma saved by Big Pharma.
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Unidentified vandals are spreading nails and other tire-puncturing objects on the roads that the Canadian Freedom Convoy are using.
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COVID-19 heresy