Feminism and emancipation were never about equality — they were about justice and freedom. Equality (of outcome, of opportunity, et cetera) is a wildcard that ...
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Your speech matters zilch, if you can be silenced by men with guns.
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Why its demise might refute the negative connotation of "a cashless society".
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May he rest in peace, but while he rests, here's what he really thought on restrictions against expressing one's ideas.
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A short story about reality.
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A message to the lockdownistas and COVIDians who want everyone else forced into unwanted medical treatments and isolations.
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COVID-19 heresy
Hollywood would have you believe that their cartoonish heroism of super robots and super powered men is what heroism is all about. Real heroism is far simpler ...
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Time to question the assumptions most make around cryptocurrencies.
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