Confessions of a slave

published Dec 15, 2011 , last modified Jun 26, 2013

A short story about reality.

I am a slave.

So are you and everyone you know.

I don't even know what its like to live as a free man. Neither do you or anyone that you know. That is a fact. A sad fact but very real.

We live in a world totally regulated and mediated by The State. There is nothing we can do that is not recorded, licenced, tabulated, reviewed or required by The State. We are forced to work to earn dollars that are required to live in this world. You cannot own anything without paying taxes. Which means every dollar you earn is owned in part by the state.  When the fruits of your labor must forcibly be given to the state, that is the definition of slavery.

When I mention this reality to people, they usually react with anger or confusion.

Those who get angry and protest that they are free and that I am full of it, are (I believe) actually closer to knowing the truth than those who react with confusion.

The confused don't even know what I mean by slavery. They may ask me what I mean or just shake their head and ignore me.

But those who get angry are acting on instinct. The anger they feel is directed at me, is actually their own subconscious venting their impotent rage at being slaves but are unable to face the truth consciously.

It's depressing, I know.

Increasingly, however, I have found that many more people are in agreement with me. Recognition of your slave status is the first step to liberation. Those who accept that they are slaves have the ability to understand the true state of humanity at this point in history. When enough people recognize and accept that they are indeed slaves, only then will we be able to cast off the shackles and claim our sovereignty.

The best slaves are always the ones unaware of their slavery. I am hopeful, for my fellow slaves seem to be waking up. When enough of us awaken to our true status, only then can claim our true unalienable rights.

The State is the ultimate slave master and we must rise up and break our bonds. We need not react with violence. We can just walk away, ignore the slave masters. When we have had enough, when we finally wake up, when we can clearly see the machinery of slavery at work, then we can turn our backs on the state forever.

It is my hope that when my son is himself a father, people will look back on our belief in the reality of The State and our former slavery and think of it as a curious belief like believing the world is flat.


Reprinted from here.