There are people who will make enormous amounts of money from expensive vaccines, many of them would like you to get injected at practically any cost, and they ...
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COVID-19 heresy
In this COVID panic, you may get to see that for the first time.
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COVID-19 heresy
This is probably the clearest example I've seen in news media of egregious framing of the victim as the aggressor.
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No person is equal to any other person. Attempts to bring about equality are doomed to cause conflict, poverty, misery, strife, and (as the 20th century ...
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Even after trying to stamp out inequality with the worst democide ever, descendants of successful people achieve success once again. Maybe it's time we ...
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The Weimarization of truth and knowledge at the hands of critical social justice. A mirror of current news articles and threads.
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I think it's time we had a talk about the "humans are a disease" meme.
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A fun Socratic game to play — to see how much your friends really do know about the climate. (Answers provided within.)
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"Why does he have that, but I don't? He's just like me! Who does he think he is?"
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