A large, growing proportion of COVIDians are becoming comfortable with expressing their murderous wishes publicly. This should alarm you — brainwash came and ...
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COVID-19 heresy
Listen to this former trans person discuss the irreversible reality he has to bear now. Listen to the voice of experience — detransitioning is much more ...
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"But no", our betters assure us, "there's no evidence of mass psychosis".
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COVID-19 heresy
Read this revolting writeup by an associate professor of "medical ethics", arguing unironically that you should be drugged against your will to make you more ...
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COVID-19 heresy
Unidentified vandals are spreading nails and other tire-puncturing objects on the roads that the Canadian Freedom Convoy are using.
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COVID-19 heresy
It's possible that many people have gotten used to constant manipulation (under the guise of "nudging") but this unethical practice has begun to be scrutinized ...
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COVID-19 heresy
The health psychosis we're undergoing has shown us the true colors of many people.
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COVID-19 heresy