A large, growing proportion of COVIDians are becoming comfortable with expressing their murderous wishes publicly. This should alarm you — brainwash came and ...
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COVID-19 heresy
A question you should ask every person who took at least one mRNA injection.
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COVID-19 heresy
What makes the Borg so uniquely terrifying? It's not their weapons, their lifeless gaze, or their power. It's that they don't ask you for your permission ...
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Who would have guessed that distorting reality for your panic cult by exercising your government power... results in a distorted reality? Leave it to the ...
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A fascinating one-hour talk by Tom Woods where he fleshes out the history of rights and how the idea of rights has evolved through the centuries.
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A sociological account, shared by Jonathan Haidt, which explains why concerns for microaggressions have gone viral.
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Hint: it is neither children, not their parents. Are you aware of what your child is being programmed to believe?
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And how rotten are the lies and deceit they're telling?
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