Beautiful video by bitbutter, based on an essay by Roderick T. Long.
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Many people claim that patents and copyrights are not barriers of entry to the market. That's wrong.
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Monopolies of the mind
The recipe? A good dose of ad hominem.
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We haven't been able to determine how non-living forms gave way to lifeforms. Up to now.
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Give us a number. We should at least know how many miscarriages and neonatal deaths are worth that hypothetical grandma saved by Big Pharma.
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COVID-19 heresy
Little did you know that the common cold can also cause a false positive on the COVID-19 antibody test.
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COVID-19 heresy
Remember playing with marbles when you were a kid? Well, here's how marbles are made, both the small ones and the big ones.
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Every time a carbonhysteric tells you that we're all gonna die because our CO₂ production is going to make Earth into Venus, show him this graphic.
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