A simple thought experiment
Consider the following question, just for fun.

Take a good look at the political measures and social changes taking place around you.
Now indulge in the following thought experiment:
Suppose, just for a second, that your community is being slowly conquered by a group of people who despises you, and wants to see you destroyed: either dead, or poor, or crazy, or sick, or sterile; presuppose as well that this group has attained, not quite total control over all affairs of your community, but a relatively small yet solid footing there — some control over your community.
What would this group be currently doing today — to achieve their supposed goal — that would be any different, from the political measures and social changes being inflicted on your community today?
In this blog, we like to say that the purpose of a thing is what it does.
Followers of this blog: you ought to consider very carefully what those measures and changes are doing to you, to your family, and to your community.
And now, for no reason at all, a collage of recent media demonstrating absolutely nothing related to this thought experiment.