Video proof Fauci knew all the important safety tests were skipped for the injections, and was aware that vaccine candidates sometimes make patients and ...
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COVID-19 heresy
Listen to this former trans person discuss the irreversible reality he has to bear now. Listen to the voice of experience — detransitioning is much more ...
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What is the word to describe doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results every time?
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COVID-19 heresy
They're turning themselves into pretzels just to avoid asking the obvious questions.
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COVID-19 heresy
I hope you have noticed a pattern in these "rare diseases" by now.
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COVID-19 heresy
I paid a very high price to avoid the poison. You took it giddily — and hated me for not taking it. Now you get to deal with the consequences.
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COVID-19 heresy
Watch as the mass media whitewashes the rise in heart attacks that, surely coincidentally according to them, took place after the worldwide rollout of coerced ...
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COVID-19 heresy
For the first time in modern medical history, we have a forced product that stops working, whose failures are blamed on those who reject the product.
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COVID-19 heresy
Never get too cocky when displaying your reflexive obedience.
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COVID-19 heresy