Due to the fact that interest rates often compound, and the fact that compounding is non-linear in nature, comparing different rates (e.g. a daily interest ...
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Linux and free software
With the increasing popularity of privacy-preserving cryptocurrencies, opponents are redoubling their effort to curtail permissionless money, citing money ...
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But the bigger tragedy is that schools don't teach critical thinking, don't teach basic reasoning, they don't even teach accounting.
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You may have thought the reaction to the pandemic was an organic response to a global health panic. It is not. It is part of a plan, already underway, to ...
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Pharmabro taught finance better than most finance teachers did. Learn from him.
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Lifestyle inflation can get you to bankruptcy. Think about your future self.
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The implications of a society where use of cash is punished are, in fact, evil.
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Belief in basic income is becoming increasingly popular. What advocates of basic income do not get is that the math doesn't work out.
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