So which people are these newly-minted kulaks? Anyone Facebook says so.
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The perils of denying what you know about yourself.
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Collectivism, Marxist ideas of exploitation, hate for capitalism, coercion, authoritarianism, self-serving cronyism — it's all of that, and then more!
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It will be killed in the name of "safety", but it will be a casualty of the lust for power. A grim prediction for the next 15 years.
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Linux and free software
The same thing looks extremely different when seen from different historic vantage points.
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A dissection of a cancellation attempt against me.
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Hollywood would have you believe that their cartoonish heroism of super robots and super powered men is what heroism is all about. Real heroism is far simpler ...
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Evergreen State College provides us with the perfect template.
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The "long march through the institutions" that cultural Marxists have accomplished finds many parallels in the Nazification of academia during the 1930's,
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