An organization turned absolutely worthless by mission creep and bureaucracy, which might well kill more people than it saves.
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COVID-19 heresy
Answer: it's not because of "intentionally defective" PCR tests.
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COVID-19 heresy
It is no sin to be uninformed. But to receive information, and then to reject it... that is ignorance. If that ignorance is deadly, too bad.
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COVID-19 heresy
Make sure to get an immune blood panel that includes granulocyte and CD8 cell count.
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COVID-19 heresy
Further confirmation that the largest demographic groups who insist on those face diapers are ugly losers. ¡Science!
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COVID-19 heresy
A correlation graph between "fully vaccinated" and "number of new cases" as of now. I am told by trustworthy people that the line means "it's working".
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COVID-19 heresy
Little did you know that the common cold can also cause a false positive on the COVID-19 antibody test.
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COVID-19 heresy