When are you going to get it?

published Oct 04, 2021 , last modified Feb 01, 2022

If you haven't gotten it already, you are not going to make it.

When are you going to get it?
  1. 2 week lockdown and it will all be over
  2. wear the mask and it will be over
  3. 6 feet of distance and it will be over
  4. lockdowns for a month and it will be over
  5. actually we're gonna need you to lock down longer
  6. keep you kids home and give them zoom "lessons" forever and it will be over
  7. don't leave your house or armed guards will assault you. then this will all be over
  8. pls take this experimental vax which eradicates transmission and it will be over
  9. actually we demand it or you will lose your job. then this will all be over
  10. actually the vax doesn't really work but take it or else. then it will all be over
  11. opsies - it will never be over. you did all that shit for nothing. lol.