No great evil is complete without first using children as pawns
Yes, in Canada, the COVID psychotics now have well-indoctrinated children on TV, telling the audience that people like you and me are public menaces, who should have police called on, and everything taken from us.

The following clip is from a family TV show in Québec called La semaine des 4 Julie, aired on January 18, 2022.
How low will the Covidians go? Canadian children are being used to push pharma's cash cows. These poor kids probably don't even know what they're saying — certainly can't grasp the magnitude of ruining people's lives this way. All done in the name of pushing the government line that the "unvaccinated" should have everything taken from them until they surrender to the forced medical treatments in vogue.
One thing is for certain: innocent children will always say out loud what the adults in the room are thinking, but are too cowardly to utter themselves.