Incontrovertible proof that "history was rewritten" to erase Dr. Robert Malone's contributions to science
Dr. Malone has been outspoken about the dangers of the mRNA tech he invented. Because he refuses to go along with the "safe and effective" narrative, he has been subject to an online censorship campaign up to and including erasing his name from the Wikipedia pages crediting him with the invention of the mRNA tech, and beyond.

Here is a video that goes into detail about how he's been "wiped" from important parts of the Internet which the public uses to form their opinions, systematically discrediting him in clear retaliation for him telling the truth.
Original source.
The source is hidden in YouTube search results, even when searched by exact name.
As you can see, you are being actively misinformed by many actors. Do you think that people who deceive you in this egregious manner, have your well-being at heart?
People who actively hide important and truthful information from you are evil.