If you take anything away from this post, remember that an extra 50 thousand people will die every month, according to their own math.
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Science from the good doctor Fauci himself, debunking the narrative that everyone must self-cage "because everyone can transmit the disease".
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COVID-19 heresy
At that rate, most people not part of at-risk groups might be better off just getting COVID-19.
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COVID-19 heresy
There are people who will make enormous amounts of money from expensive vaccines, many of them would like you to get injected at practically any cost, and they ...
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COVID-19 heresy
In this COVID panic, you may get to see that for the first time.
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COVID-19 heresy
The talk from Tom Woods that YouTube suppressed. Is the crazed panic surrounding COVID-19 warranted? Find out here!
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COVID-19 heresy