Answer: it's not because of "intentionally defective" PCR tests.
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COVID-19 heresy
It was not previously known whether mRNA from these injections continue producing spike protein. It is confirmed now, and we have the preprint that shows it. ...
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Robert Malone's speech. If there's risk, there must be choice.
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Much text and video is spent on how "COVID contrarians produce disinformation". But almost no one spends a single second about the actual, grotesque, ...
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Watch the co-inventor of mRNA tech tell you all the things you were denied knowledge of. Partial transcript below.
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How many politicians / bureaucrats / talking heads mandated, or even shared, any of this sound advice to you? I'll tell you: zero. Might they just be in the ...
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A complete presentation on the risks that the mRNA injections pose for children and teens.
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It might have been the fact that air conditioning — used in Guayaquil during the hot summer, but not in Quito — makes people prefer to stay indoors.
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By now, only morons think that the injections "work". If you believe anything beyond the injections providing little and dwindling protection, you've been ...
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