A now-classic satirical video by excellent That Guy T, which explains the tense hypocrisy the definition of "feminism" and the demands that self-professed ...
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In the last quarter century, Western civilization has undergone a radical ethical shift, that has made us all stupid and ignorant, while empowering a venal ...
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Marxism 2: Electric Boogaloo! A short exposé of the three toxic pillars of neoprogressivism – political correctness, identity politics, and postmodernism – ...
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An introductory video to cultural Marxism and social justice, followed by Bill Whittle telling us the history behind political correctness, critical theory ...
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Watch this marvelous clip by Noel Plum, where he deconstructs the hypocritical and manipulative way in which social justice warriors have corrupted the ...
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That Guy T takes a moment to help us reflect about racial pride.
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How cultural Marxism is degenerating our society into a perpetual state of denial about basic facts. Explained through a metaphor for ease of understanding.
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Phobia used to mean irrational fear, and phobic people were treated with sympathy and understanding. In the lips of a SJW, "phobia" is entirely different — it ...
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Lew Rockwell takes us through the many ways in which the left — and its modern expression, cultural Marxism — is totalitarian and inhuman.
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Being offended doesn't work anymore. Throwing insults doesn't work anymore. The thought policing, speech policing, discourse banning, blasphemy laws, they ...
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