Windows has Explorer. Mac OS has Finder. GNOME has Nautilus. And KDE had, up to a number of months ago, Konqueror. Now, together with the up-and-coming KDE 4, ...
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Linux and free software
Linux is real, honest-to-God fast. But no amount of raw performance in Linux can alleviate pathologies in applications. Here's a good example of such a ...
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Linux and free software
KDE 5 has a nasty bug in its libraries that causes applications like KWin and Plasma to crash. Here is the fix.
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Linux and free software
After fixing your video card issues, you can enjoy the full range of desktop effects available with Compiz and KWin in KDE 4.1 and above.
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Linux and free software
The old methods to activate Linux app windows no longer work well, but new methods have been invented already.
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Linux and free software